Reply To: How could I run HAIBAL in CPU mode


    Hi Peter,

    The first release is rock’n’roll !!  Let’s fix problem one by one.

    About sniped image you right, when i share sniped on forum the pluging which manage it actually compress it and we lose the code.


    We are working to fix this problem. So you can take the snip directly on documentation here


    About your broken version, we develloped HAIBAL in labVIEW 2020 64bit.

    I just made the test on 2021 and it’s working.

    Could you test on 2021 ? If it work that mean we have a problem on 2022.


    Actually we bloked the dev on 2020 because there is a bug on 2021 and 2022 on compilation system for protected code deleted diagram and we are still waiting JKI to fix it.

    As soon as we have confirmation of it’s 2022 i’ll comunicate on it and try to make JKI fix there bug.