Cookies Policy

Last updated on December 8th, 2022


You can change your cookie preferences any time by clicking the above button. This will let you revisit the cookie consent banner and change your preferences or withdraw your consent right away.

In addition to this, different browsers provide different methods to block and delete cookies used by websites. You can change the settings of your browser to block/delete the cookies. Listed below are the links to the support documents on how to manage and delete cookies from the major web browsers.




Internet Explorer:

If you are using any other web browser, please visit your browser’s official support documents.


What is a cookie?

A cookie is a text file that is used to store information in your browser. Cookies are created for a limited period when a user’s browser loads a given website: the site sends information to the browser, which then creates a text file. Each time the user returns to the same site, the browser retrieves this file and sends it to the website server.

The information stored by cookies relates in particular to the pages visited, the type of browser you use, your IP address, or even the information you have entered on a site in order to avoid you having to enter it again.


How to configure cookies on our site?

When you accept the deposit of cookies, your consent is valid for a period of 6 months. Cookies are then deposited for a period depending on their purpose. You can, at any time, configure or modify your choices via our cookie management module.

The recognition of your unsubscription is based on a cookie. Therefore, if you deactivate all cookies on your terminal or if you change terminals, we will no longer be able to know that you have chosen this option. Therefore, the cookie banner will reappear asking you for your choices each time you log on to our site.

At the same time, some browsers or devices offer settings that allow you to identify the presence of cookies and accept or refuse them. The setting of cookies is different for each browser and generally described in the help menus. It is recalled that this setting is likely to modify your conditions of access to the services of the site requiring the use of cookies.

For more information on the setting of cookies, you can also consult the information website of the CNIL.


Why do we use cookies?

In order to adapt the services offered by our website to the requests of our users, we use different cookies:


Technical cookies and operational cookies

These cookies guarantee the functioning of the site and contribute to its optimization. These include cookies intended for:

  • secure your connection, by ensuring your identification on your personal account on the community forum if necessary;
  • memorize your usage preferences and/or your display settings (language used, display settings, operating system used, etc.) in order to adapt the presentation of the site during your visits;
  • memorize your actions of consent or refusal of the deposit of cookies during your navigation on the website;
  • optimize the search bar function of the website and the community forum;
  • operate a media player (audio or video);
  • ensure that our services are working properly.

Since these cookies are strictly necessary for the operation of the website and the services offered by Graiphic, they cannot be deactivated.


Audience cookies

These cookies make it possible to measure the audience of the Graiphic Service accessible online and thus establish attendance statistics measuring the number of visits, the number of pages consulted as well as the activity of visitors to the site (pages and sections most often consulted, the most consulted offers, routes, etc.). These audience measurements allow us to improve the content and more generally the services offered by Graiphic.

These cookies are placed only with your consent.


Experience and relationship cookies

Our site uses cookies to measure user satisfaction, improve the quality of our services and build our customer relationship. This consists of conducting user satisfaction surveys and studying user behavior on the platform.

These cookies are placed only with your consent.


Acquisition and loyalty cookies

Our site and our partners use cookies to promote our services to new users and retain our existing users. These cookies allow us to measure the effectiveness of our acquisition campaigns via our partners such as Facebook or LinkedIn. It also allows us to better target our acquisition and retention campaigns.

These cookies are placed only with your consent.


Cookies embedded in third-party applications on our sites or services

Our Service may include application buttons, allowing the user to share, via social networks, content from our site or their opinion. These include the “share”, “like”, “g+1”, “tweet” buttons from social networks such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, etc.

As soon as you are connected on your terminal to the social network(s) concerned, such application buttons are able to identify you, even if you do not use them during your consultation of our website. In addition, if you interact using these buttons, while you are connected to this (these) social network(s), for example by clicking on the “like” button or leaving a comment, the corresponding information will be transmitted to the social network and published on your profile. We invite you to consult the privacy protection policies of these social networks in order to learn about the purposes of use, in particular advertising, of the browsing information that they may collect through these application buttons. If you do not want the social network to identify you or link the information collected through our site to your user account, you must first disconnect from the social network.


Need more information?

For more information on the use of cookies, you can contact us at