TIGR1.3.1 release notes

By Youssef MENJOUR , Graiphic CTO

All release notes are available at this page .

Release Notes
Date of releaseΒ 
20 February 2024
Features Bugs Fixed Comments
Example correction β€œtigr_event_annotation” error Error indicated by custom and corrected
Addition of MatchTemplate function Function added to search for a pattern in an image and outline the findings
Correction of ColorImageToU32Array function Problem with function and memory leak
Documentation update

Docs for the following functions updated: Auto Adjust, Contrast/Hue/Saturation/Value/Exposure/Noise/


Addition of I16 type, error management Modification of all functions for I16 support Error handling added to understand function errors better, like incorrect type


Note: Users should update their toolkit to this latest version to enjoy the new features and improvements. Please refer to the TIGR Toolkit documentation for detailed instructions on using these enhancements.

For Further Assistance:

LabVIEW compatibility versions

LabVIEW64 2020SP1, LabVIEW64 2021SP1, LabVIEW64 2023Q3, LabVIEW64 2024Q1 are supported with this release.Β 

Version of CUDA API

CUDA 12.3 & Β Cudnn 8.9.0

Use GIM our unified installation platform to make HAIBAL working properly with Cuda (do not install cuda by yourselve our tool is here to simplify your life !!).