TIGR1.2 release notes

By Youssef MENJOUR , Co-founder of Graiphic

All release notes are available at this page .

Release Notes
Date of release 
24 Octobre 2023


Bugs/Improve Comment
Update palette We changed the operation of the palette with a labview radio button
Added Zoom function
Added choice of thickness
Added color selection
Fixed the display which could be buggy and fixed the Invert Frame and Invert Paint modes which were not working properly
Selection ROI Improving ROI functionalities with possibilities to draw polygons.
Modify C # code to improve functionality
Improved moved ROI function
Color and thickness of overlays Now through a property node we can choose the color and thickness of the overlays that we draw with TIGR.
TIGR event now use the property node to retrieve user events corresponding to those of clicks mouse on the PictureBox
New Functions Split
Segmentation Mask
Segmentation Masks
Picture To Image
Weight Sum
New Examples Dubai Satellite Segmentation Imagery
Medical Segmentation Imagery
TIGR Segmentation Mask Functions
Load an image file and split

LabVIEW compatibility versions

LabVIEW 2020, 2021 and 2023 are supported with this release.

TIGR is now available within GIM plateform (Graiphic software management platform), download it now !