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Attention UNet

  • Creator
  • #58137
    Peter HerrmannPeter Herrmann

      Dear Youssef,
      meanwhile I want to work a bit on other UNet architectures. The U2Net recommended by you, UNet++ or e.g. Attention UNet.
      Attention UNet is probably the easiest to implement at first, I think.
      That’s why I started doing it.
      I just have a quick question if you have a little time in the next few days. I tried to program an Attention Gate for this (from the link below).

      attention gate

      My question is. Is that okay or is it better (or easier) to use the Haibal Multi Input “Attention” or “Additive Attention”?


      Thank you for your patience


    • Author
    • #58138
      Youssef MENJOURYoussef MENJOUR


        Hi Peter,

        i’m totally overfull 😂😂😂😂 but i will have a look next week. (i can’t before next week but i’ll have a look –> we are preparing a huge update for HAIBAL).

        I try to do my best to test and answer you as soon as possible.

        Peter HerrmannPeter Herrmann

          Hi Youssef,

          No problem. As time suits you. Do not stress yourself.


          Youssef MENJOURYoussef MENJOUR

            This is unreasonable considering what we have to do internally, but now that you’ve mentioned it, I want to take a look at it. 🙂

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