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Posting Basics and Tips

  • Creator
  • #4033
    Youssef MENJOURYoussef MENJOUR

      Browsing and Registration

      Anyone is free to browse all the content in the GRAIPHIC Community without registering or logging in. However, if you want to ask a question, or reply to a topic, you must register. To register, click on the Register button at the top right of the page .

      You will be prompted to create an GRAIPHIC User Account by providing your Username, email address, and name. Your username is the name you will be recognized by as you engage in this space.

      Please note that by creating an account, you agree to GRAIPHIC’ privacy policy. By using the GRAIPHIC Community, you agree to follow the User Guidelines as well as the full GRAIPHIC Terms of Use.


      Before starting a new topic, we recommend you do a search in the forums to see if your question has already been answered. You can quickly start a search from any page by using the search bar in the sidebar on the right of the screen.

      Once you click search, you will be taken to the first matching results page.


      When you are ready to write a new post, click on the CREATE NEW TOPIC button at the top left of the page.
      To do this, go to the forum that best suits your needs.
      This button is only visible when you are inside a forum.

      When writing your post, in order to get the best help and support from other users, always make sure to respectfully post as much detailed information as possible in the clearest, most concise way possible.
      Don’t be vague with your title (ex. Need help, I have a problem, Please help, New build, Why is this not working, etc.)
      Be concise.
      Be specific.

      We ask that you please do not post your topic to multiple boards. If you accidentally create duplicate posts, you can use the “Report to Moderator” option found in the Options menu of your post to ask for your post to be removed or merged.

      If you have made a post, but it seems to keep disappearing, it’s possible your post was caught by the community spam system.

      Also, if you want to tag another user you just have to write an @ with the beginning of the person’s nickname to select him in the list.


      The answers you will post in the forum can be formatted using BBcode but also HTML code.
      For more information on how to use BBCode, you can visit this link : How To Use BBCode Complete Guide
      And also this one: BBCode guide


      The GRAIPHIC Community is a peer-to-peer support and collaboration community made up of volunteers. As such, you will typically see replies to your topic over the next few days after posting. Posting your topic in the right area will get your question in front of the right audience and providing sufficient details will help you get a solution more quickly.

      Remember: The GRAIPHIC Community serves to facilitate collaboration on topics and potential solutions for issues. Contributors in the community will not write code for you or help with homework problems — they will, however, gladly help you troubleshoot problems that you have already actively tried to solve.

      While waiting for replies to your question, we encourage you to browse to find other topics you can contribute to. You may be able to help answer questions for one of your fellow users.

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